Monday, April 27, 2020

Properties of an Atom

Properties of an Atom

Previously in the year i wrote a article about the importance of neutrality, and being neutral amongst the affairs of ones life. Properties of a Neutron it was called. And basically it was based around the thought that people, and there affairs with other peoples, should be held in a neutral independent reguard, instead of a dependent one.
I enjoyed writing that essay. Mostly because i believed in it strongly. And felt that i was confronting a major issue that i see with the world around me.
Even after i wrote the essay, i continued to experience the same reoccurring problem that had en me to write the paper in the first place, and i couldn’t help but think that i had staked down a major theme of my life and world. People thinking they have a right to my life, in the imminence of their own presence. People considering my attentions to be of primary consideration in all the matters of their own life. Exactly how the problem had appeared before i wrote the paper, was how it appeared after i wrote it. 
The only difference became; That after i wrote the paper, i could see my problem in a clearly defined state. I could see clearly, how unfairly i myself was being treated. And how typically abusive other peoples points of view had the ability to be.
After i had written the article, It was as if the words of the problems that i had mentioned within the text, could and would manifest themselves physically in front of me through the course of a day. Word for word, the problem in name.
In retrospect
“Always consider yourself Neutral”. The purpose and effect of the statement i carry around even today.
 But as time has passed. I feel like there is one more statement that i could make in addition to this statement. A statement that would even share with a relevance in purpose, a relation in definitive imagery. That is the imagery of the molecular structure of the Atom. The building block of the Universe, and the concept of inherent natural rights that we all have as independent free thinking agents of life. 
And the statement is this; in addition to the fact that a person has both the right and nature of being one person, who is entitled to their benign relation to the world, and other people around them; in addition to this, and also, almost a predeceasing nature of the first statement; People should also consider their worlds to be inherently and conclusively positive.
In other words, as an individual your thoughts should indisputably, always end up in a positive conclusion. What am i doing? What am i thinking? How am i thinking? Where am i going?  always these things should be based in the greatest possible sum. 
In the first article, i mentioned the definitive makeup of a neutron, and related it to the character ideation that i was trying to get at. For this article i would take an additional look, to the side, at the atomic neighbor of the previously mentioned neutron, “The Proton”.

Definition of
A proton(noun): A proton is a subatomic particle, with a positive electric charge of +1 elementary charge and a mass less than that of a neutron.

Thats The definition of a proton. The second particle type that comprises what is referred to as the nucleus - The center structure -  of an atom - the particles that form the make-up of molecules to form every possible chemical-physical structure in the world/galaxy- .

A proton is a particle with a Mass of an assumed 0, and a charge of +1.

So what does that have to do with me? What does that have to do in the consideration of the human character?
Forever and always a proton carries within the heart of its nucleus a forever positively charged motif. And i think that that is something that the human character and mindset can claim to identify with.
Our lives in this world can be full of so much content. So many ideas of things. So many things themselves. So many thoughts, and emotions, and happenings. Our worlds are flooded with activities and events that occur second by second, minute by minute, on a daily basis, every month, year round. This world is full of activity, im sure most people have figured that much out already.
And with so much going on, it can be easy to see how a life can get overwhelmed by all the things our lives are involved with and encompassed by. In the previous article, i talked about this, and i mentioned within it, the importance of staying a free agent amongst the conglomerated chaos. Holding within you the properties of a neutron, i talked about how the person of the world should consider themselves one body and one mind, whos alliances were only ever aligned with their own individual selves.
But there is one more concept that i think that complements greatly the act of being a free agent of your own life.
And that is: knowing, and holding to your own self, a base property of positivity concerning the directions of your world. This property that i mention is more of a philosophy to hold, more than a property that is in and of you. More of an idea that is kept around your head and mind than an actual facet of your character. And What is the weight of an idea? When somebody gives you an idea to think about, and you hold it in your head and about yourself, could it be said that their is any weight to the idea, than the weight that you give it yourself.
when considering the mass of this idea that we are taking in, it should be said that it is exactly  that. an idea. a concept. It is not that we are considering anything really about our bodies. our own personal weight in the world, or anything like that.
It has no particular organ of the human body that it physically resides in, other than maybe the brain. But even then an idea would reside in a brain through the immateriality of a psychic movement.

Considering just the concept. The concept that  “anything i consider in this world should be considered to be positive”, that “ if i look in any direction in this world, the direction that i look in should be a positive one”.

It is something like a law of nature. Something like the law of general relativity”matter cannot be created or destroyed” really, “it can only be changed into another form”. except my law. My concept, is that “people cannot consider their worlds in a negative way if they are living for themselves”. They must because they are living for themselves, look in a positive direction.

In that lies the conceptual idea of the “Proton”.

And thats where i would define the first fulfilled property of the definition.

A mass of 0. 


A mass of 0. The proton. It dosn’t weigh anything but apparently it is the proton that gives the atom, “The elemental building block of all matter”, its positive charge, that helps it make connections and bonds with other elements of the universe. That is an important molecule. One of the most fundamental, and important things known to the world. Complimentary to that fact i think there is a fair comparison to the atomic principles, to the natural principles of man&womankind.

In the first article i talked about the importance of remaining neutral in life, and peoples basic right to remain neutral in their life. In this article, i would like to discuss a secondary factor, that should come about when enacting the first principle of atomic theory.

First i defined people as individual, neutral bodies of existence. Bodies of existence that had the right to live of, and for themselves.

Considering that if somebody lives by this principle. Then that would mean that their own directions in life, would be directions that were chosen exclusively by them. And when a person is left to choose a direction for their life, where do you think that persons perspectives will look towards?

Have you ever seen the spinning of a compass needle on-top the fixture of a compass? Set upright, and held straight, a compass needle is free to spin ontop a spool axis in any direction it falls towards. That is considering the needle to be made of a normal material.
But compasses arn’t made of any normal material. They’re made of a type of magnetic iron, and contain properties that ensure that they are always in contact with magnetic fields around them. Given the magnetic force field of earth, the needle of a compass will always point in one direction. I think people, as individuals, are very much the same way.

If you go ahead and set any person out on their own, in the crossroad section of a four way street. That person is most likely going to have an opinion on which one of those four roads they would like to travel down. If you set a person in the middle of a field, with 360 degrees of options of travel. They will almost assuredly pick on one degree of travel, and go ahead and proceed in the direction.

And in addition to choosing their direction of travel, that person will also most likely choose the direction that they consider to be the most beneficial course of motion. People are like compasses i guess it is what im trying to say. If set alone, on an axis of choice of choosing. Not only will they most likely always choose the most beneficial direction to point towards. But they will undoubatably choose the same direction each time. The North star of the human world -  Whatever is positive and beneficial to our own selves. 
To the individual, benefit of your own world is always the best course of direction. To the individual, the most positive direction of thought is always the most agreeable course of mentality.

For what better thought is there to hold for your own self, than the absolute most positive thought? What better action is there to take than the one that will benefit you the most?
That is the ideal that i believe exists with the natural individuals sphere of being.

My law of positive charge, inherent property of the proton, is that; people cannot consider their worlds in a negative way if they are living for themselves... They must, because they are living for themselves, look in a positive direction...

That is the idea of “The Proton”.

A charge of +1.

One person must always be positive in their life. If their is a direction that they are looking in, it is sure to be a positive one. I would not hold a thought that is harmful and negative myself, because if i did, the only person that would suffer its consequences, would be me. So why would i hold such a thought? Why would i take such an action If i have nobody around me that is suckering me into their own opinion, or trifling scheme of what me and them should do together..... It wouldn’t make any sense for me as an individual. 

Instead my eyes are always set on a positive direction, to ensure that my destination, and arrival to such destination is a positive one. A positive direction to reach a positive conclusion. That is the choice of some person that thinks as an individual. And that i believe is what brings about the natural successes of a persons life. is when they learn to think for themselves, and make choices that are most beneficial for them.

You must sure to be this way in your life as well. When the world has you down, when your world has you down. Make sure to remember you don’t owe your life to anybody but yourself,.. and then, with those winds to free you, let your own eyes guide you to your own north star... whatever star it is that to you seems brightest, in whatever direction

And then, freely in whatever direction you choose to be brightest, may you shining brightly as your own point of matters with the properties of an Atom.

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