Monday, April 6, 2020

The Difference between Romeo

Romeo Humanus ~

You see the difference, and that begets the attraction.

Whenever You look at anima, you are noticing that they are a anima. 

And You see them in a brighter, special light because they are a anima. 

You see them in special light because they are the anima. 

And because they are a anima and not a animus, And you are a animus and not anima the interest of their character is raised. 

The interest towards their character is raised, Just with that.

You look to the anima because they are pretty to you. You look to the anima because you find that “she” is attractive. 
But really, more than anything, you are staring at a difference between you and something else. Or in lighter terms, you are interested in looking because you are staring at a difference between you and something else. 

I know that i too, have done this very same thing. 
Both in the past, and even so to the present date. 

Look to a person of the female gender, and softly fantasize to myself. Softly admire their beauty. Their grace of appearance. 

But in the same moment that i can stand there and look on a girl and find them attractive,.. i can also sense, that there is another motive to my looks. 

I ask myself: Is this really attraction? or is this some perverted thought thats been twisted into a certain shape in my mind. Do i want sexually? The female race...

 Or am i just wanting things that i do not have.. like a soft demeanor, or soft skin?

 I want them because i do not have them... Like a child wants a toy simply because they haven't played with it yet. An attitude that is dumbly greedy and destructive.

Maybe i have cannabilized my sight. And because i have, such a vision.. appropriated by an attitude of a standard in the mind.. i pervert my sight to find them attractive.

Where i would want some other thing that the female race has...

Like an miraculously intelligent mind. The ability to communicate. would i not want to talk, and hold that as the attraction?

I know what i have done, and what i did do. That is the: preconception - degrade the meaning of the feminine gender, within my mind. 

Attach to them a judgment of them as less intelligent than me, stupid, worth less than my respect. 
Deprive them of the their initial integral rights as a human being, their rights miracle of god. a human soul.

And the result is what i might call lust. Lust for Sex. Sexual attraction. What is Sexy. I see them as Sexy.

Preconceive conception that a female is of less Soul. Its holistically ludicrous. if u Think.

That is too say feminine... that i am colorblind. I see the world in a fundamentally altered state. 

I do not truly see you as i see you. And i dont see myself, or you who might look at myself in the right type of light. Its slightly off. And thats due to the gaps and disproportions of values and goals that lie behind them.

Where i should see a girl that i think of sexy because of their outward appearance, and think maybe they should like me because of my outward appearance.. i have done something flawed to my sight. And because of it My vision has come up false.

To love, and like a girl for who they are... when I can not see who they are by looking at them... My romantic sight is blind. And would be blind. And if it is, i am.

But if I'm not.. i see the soul. For all its worth. And thats a blindingly beautiful amount. Hasn't we all seen that much?
We should know, thats the true treat.

Happy Halloween gift givers ;<

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