Saturday, April 4, 2020

Veritaserum: Act 1: Scene 3

We have seen what kind of person he has been in the past. What about now? Where is the definition that will come about in the future? Who is Sal? Who is the Sal that will be...?

The Question: If those things are not me, if i am not me, than who am I?


Act 1

Scene 3: The Future Few Seconds

The Salesman: You are what you eat...

The Assistant: You are what you do

The Detective: You are who you are

[Having returned to the scene, a voice beckons from the completely dark background. The voice is immediatly identifiable as that of the Dramatascist. Returned again to scene]

The Dramatacist: A person is who they say they are. Who would you say you are? What kind of bread fills your type of pallet Sal. What are the kind of things that you do? Who are you Sal?

Sal: We just talked about it....

Dramatacist: A person is i think most closely, who they have been in the past, the type of person they are in the present, and the type of person they want to be in the future. To say those are the modes of existence live in different realms of conceivability. You are, and always will be the person you have been in the past... its apart of your history. It has been stated to fate, written down into the medium of time, and stained forever into its pages. You are also the person you are now. Im sure you know that.
But what might not occur to you, is how you are also, with every passing second, the person that you will be in the future.

Sal: I am the person that i will be in the future?

Dramatist: Yes...

Sal: That dosn't sound right, i am the person that i will be in future.

Detective: I think he is absolutely right. Who else would you be? These things that you are now. How you are now, what you do, what you eat, the things you say now. Would you expect any of these things to change now?

Sal: not all the things about me, maybe a few things.

Detective: And if there is one thing about you now, that does not change, within the expanse of expended time... it could be correct to say that there are some parts about you, that you you can say will most definitely be apart of you in the future. 3 years from now. Five years from now. Ten years from now. There will be things about you that are present now, in this very moment. Maybe possibly, many things. So my question to you, is, who do you want to be?

Dramatist: Attaining the right conclusions to make about your life, and then keeping those
conclusions. Taking them a weaving them through everything that is you. Your thoughts. Your actions. How you see things.
To take your highest dreams, and your highest aspirations, your highest ideals,
with a fiber thread that shines like a string of starlight, and a needle that has a point like the shining head of dawn
weave those strands of fiber throughout your entire world.
That is what it means to make your own world. To create yourself. To create your world.

Scientist: Perhaps he fight for the values that he holds to importance. Intelligence and wisdom. A calm temperament and disposition. Good Humor and positive airs. 

Salesman: Or maybe he’s the type of lad that would enjoy being a diamond edged professional. Clean cut. Clear. Concise. A master of Business and technology. Have two Science Majors and a minor in Information systems.

Sal: That does sound nice.

Salesman: Hohoo! I bet it does! Work a Job that pays you hundreds of thousands of dollar bills a year. Have an island retreat in the Galapagos archipelago. A mountaintop villa in the Appalachian alps. All sorts of fancy gadgets and gizmos. A shiny nobel prize sitting on your office wall shelf. Just Sittin there shining.

Sal: Just shining. Oooo wow. That does sound good.

Detective: So your the type of person who holds those things to be of greater importance?
You want to be somebody that has a large amount of value invested in the contents of his world. Somebody who’s life is held to be very valuable. Is that right?

Sal: yes? 

Detective: So thats who you are...

Sal: No

Detective: But that who you want to be. Or who you would be give or take obstacles and complication. Thats who you will be is you succeed in creating those things in your life

Sal: I dont know really... Yes?

Detective: And so supposing that you achieve your goals, and overcome those obstacles that still remain in your way to reaching your goal.. you will inevitably become this person that you wish to be... Is that true?

Sal: I guess so... yeh

Dramatascist: SO that is most indubitably the person you are, Sir Sal. This person of your dreams. This person that you wish to be. To me it seems, that you and that person are one in the same.

Sal: Seems kindve cool when you say it like that

Salesman: That is sorta cool. Almost like your already the superhero that your "going to be",... a few years from now. Kinda a long wait but hey... cant say that sometime means never
[Sal sits back in his chair and considers what the Shadows have said about his character. He is who he will be in the future. Who he is in the next few seconds will become the same person sitting here at this very moment. An exciting concept, At least in the same terms of all his dreams and hopes for his future destiny. Sal sits wondering about his life with a slight' smile on his face]

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