Friday, April 17, 2020

University of You: Self-Study Methods

University of You: Self-Study Methods

You want to make something of yourself don’t you? Whats stopping you from doing that?
You most likely have all the tools you need, to put yourself on the paths you can take to succeed.

First things first. To be able to start your own sort of self study program, you would need the materials to do just that. So the First question you would ask yourself is, “Do i have all the materials?”.
In my estimate, this is what you need to start your own self-study program...
Materials Needed :
A Computer & Access to the computer.
Refference Books & access to such Refference books
as well as
Some sort of word document application. 
Writing Medium(paper), and Writing device(pen,pencil)
 Thats all you need.

Universities often times have long drawn out intricate designs for their degree programs. Degrees that cost you thousands upon thousands of currency cash money. All so you can go to class and receive less than half assed instruction by some random dude claiming to be a professional instructor of something. But the simple fact of the matter is that it dosn’t take thousands of dollars to teach the types of things they have going on in universities. Ask somebody that goes to a university and they would most likely open faced agree with that.
Really If you were to take a step back and think about it, all a student actually needs, to succeed in gaining the knowledge they need to obtain the information and experienced learning of their chosen career path; Is the information itself, and the ability to learn and retain the knowledge of the information.
So if you have a computer, you have available to yourself, almost any sort of information that you could want to study and learn.
If you have a word document, or a notebook and a pen. You have the ability to take all the sorts of notes, and informational info/data down onto a perceivable, reviewable medium.
Essentially, If you have a computer and something to take notes on, you have it all. You have a world of information at your fingertips!
Or, lets say that you don’t have a computer to use at your disposal. Either because you don’t have the money to get a computer, or maybe you don’t have the internet, or maybe you have internet and a computer but your service and the hardware on your computer makes doing anything incomprehensibly slow. Although, i wouldn’t say that your at an advantage in this situation, i wouldn’t say that you were in a state of complete _____ either.
Because! There is such a thing in this world, (and especially in these civil societies that we live in) Such thing as a Library!!
And although you are not going to find the same amount of information that you would on a computer, or neither the variety of information. The Library is still a formidable tool for people wishing to educate themselves on knowledge of professional denotations.
The last time i went to the library, a few months ago i didn’t really expect much of anything from their selection of books and reading material. But upon going, and looking through their assortments of nonfictional books, and reference books, I found that just my small local library has a pretty good inventory in the information department.
Books on computer skills, how to make software, how to manage software, how to build a computer. Books on office skills; how to create your own business, what skills you need to learn as a business associate. Books on language. Books on mathematics and chemistry, and biology. Medical reference books and much much more. The library these days is no jokes. You would be surprised how useful you could make your time if you just went in and browsed around the nonfiction sections. And on-top of all that, in most public libraries these days are equipped rows upon rows of computers. High grade enough to facilitate any sort of computer research or documentation that needs to be done.
If you don’t have a computer, don’t sweat it, just look for your nearest local library. They are an epicenter of resources. 
But say so now, that you have amassed all the ingredients of your own personal study vocation. What do you do next?

You. Study.

You have what you need to get the information. Now its time to go out and seek that information, and learn it.
What was it that you wanted to know more about?
Figure out what things you need to study. Figure out what things you need to know.
[[[The very next thing you would need for your University, is an intended direction to take for your studies.
What are studying to do? What do you want to study? To what ends are your means being exploited?
Defining the end goal, is the primary cause of all effects you will enact.
If you know what it is your trying to accomplish. Then you would need to start to put together the parts
Compile a list of available resources

And study!!!!

Take Professional Notes
Spare no detail. Spare no Form. in the making of notes there is only one factor that is of any importance.. and that is your own comprehension and grasp of whatever material your looking at. Spare no trick in the book, to getting the viewpoints you will need to remember the info

Research information
Don’t have the all the information you need? Look for it! The great thing about the world that we live in today is that almost every researchable topic is basically available to all. You just have to have the research abilities to find it. Honest. Theres loads of information out there. And there isnt much, that can be accounted for that doesn't have its due share of accreditations. Tons of legitimate knowledge out there

Read carefully. Read diligently
Take your time and really read the things these things your learning about have to say. There isnt much in the world that the human mind isnt able to understand with alittle bit of good cognitive thought behind its working cogs and wheels.
Some people say that they are no good at reading. That they failed their high-school english&literature course several times on end. But i honestly don’t believe there is anyone that could claim that to be the truest case.
Anybody can read. Any body can read well. Its a simple fact. Hand a textbook to a ivy leauge college student and tell him to read the first five chapters of the book, and then write a short summary to what each chapter said. And ask the exact same thing from an adolescent in middle school. Assuming the material of the textbook isnt of some leveled information(Like advanced math and science) I could almost garunteee that the textbook would be read in almost the exact same manner.
Reading anything, takes one major thing. And that is “Understanding”. If you Understand, most basically, the meaning of the materials that you are reading about, it could be said that you are reading

Plan your study.
Give yourself the time you need to understand the topics that are at hand. But also finish projects on schedule so that you have the time space to learn everything that you need to learn

Look for help outside of yourself

You ever try this?
Highlight a bit of text on your computer screen, and Right click on it. >the mouse button that gives you that option drop-box<
Look and see if there is a speech option in the drop box. I have a mac laptop computer that has an option called speech.
Select the option "Start speech"
And then listen to the written information, through the speech translator of your computer...
and then maybe after that try some of the poetry on the poetry sites...
some of the liturature, on web page posted lit sites(where they post texts of books on a webpage)
You dont know what to listen to? Try this
You can listen to a whole story, a whole poem, spoken out loud to you. Line for line, in one go
Just another shade of color, that might bring you a smile
or at least productively waste your time taking in some cool informatio

Other Sites of Good Reference
Various types of Wikipedia
Google Scholar

[all excellent resources in methods of taking in large amounts of study over a wide variety of topics]

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